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CGW Appoints Internet Guru John Sokol, Consolidated Goldwin Prepares Rollout of Next-Generation Internet Network Technology - SDSN

VANCOUVER, British Columbia--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Oct. 12, 1999--

In anticipation of its year 2000 rollout of the Symmetrically Distributed Server Network Technology (SDSN), designed to "significantly enhance Internet service quality", Consolidated Goldwin Ventures Inc. (VSE:CGW)(CGW) announced today the appointment of John L. Sokol as an advisor to its technology team.

According to Company President, Abby Farrage, Mr.Sokol, a pioneer and 20-year veteran in the Information Technology field will be a major contributor to the successful North American launch of the unique SDSN system.

"Mr. Sokol's mandate with CGW is to activate the SDSN throughout North America. Management anticipates, contingent on financing, that the network will be operational and functional demonstrations will be available before the new millenium," Farrage said.

SDSN is a combination of the top industry performing web and video server protocol "Afterburner" and CGW's proprietary technologies Super Packet protocol (S-Pak) and Error Correcting Internet Protocol (ECIP).

"In layman's terms, SDSN is a system that will provide high traffic Internet sites, ISP's and heavy users with a high-speed, routing technology that offers 100% throughput for basic, video and audio data on any network," Farrage said.

"This is the most advanced network system to date containing protocols producing real-time images, real-time voice, no loss of data and a guarantee against crashing," Sokol said. "In context, if you look at industry examples such as eBay, and Victoria's Secret, where traffic overload downed their systems, SDSN is "the" cost-effective real-time solution to these problems."

Sokol, who will be leading the UNIX-based product rollout is also finalizing programming code for the system to run on a Linux free operating systems platform. Sokol has developed network software for the UNIX database, and has written customized software for industry giants IBM, Nikon, 3M and Kodak. One his most noteworthy special projects was assisting Mr. Bill Jolitz author of 386BSD UNIX, in fixing bugs, adding device drivers and bringing the product to market.

Consolidated Goldwin Venture's SDSN system's target audience is Internet Service Providers, Internet portals and the high volume websites.

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