Full Source code now available at http://www.dnull.com/zebraresearch

SPLAYIT v1.00                                                    02-24-92

                   S     P     L     A     Y     I     T
                               version 1.00

                    Digital Sound Point and Shoot Player
                           for the Public Domain

                             Zebra Research

                                Code  by
                              John L. Sokol

*                                                                            *
*                    More sound files are availible                          *
*                                                                            *
*                on Turbo Sys BBS (415)365-7491 2400 N/8/1                   *
*                                                                            *

A Little History...
           June 8, 1991 Zebra Research becomes a real company by offering
        it's first product "Audio Byte", a digital sound playback dongle
        for the IBM PC Parallel Port.  The release was warmly welcomed
        by local buyers interested in digital sound on the PC. The package
        included "SPLAY", playback software and more than 2 megs of sound.

Our Promise to you....
           Zebra Research promises to keep version of "SPLAYIT" in the
        PUBLIC DOMAIN with every commercial release it produces. The
        idea is to make available to those that wish to explore digital
        audio, an interactive tool, which might not normally be available.

Who can use this Software..
           This Software is available for use to any person or organization
        without restrictions, so long as it is not disassembled, reversed
        engineered or otherwise tampered with.

           This software may not be sold by any person or organization,
        except as a copying fee provided to companies whose primary
        business is copying of PUBLIC DOMAIN SOFWARE or SHAREWARE.
        You must supply this and any other documents included, to any one
        requesting a copy. You can not include this software with any
        computer hardware, except this the prior written permission
        of ZEBRA RESEARCH.

User Support...
           User Support is limited to questions via electronic mail
        and direct calls to Zebra Research. Call us to get your digital
        sound questions answered.


SPLAYIT v1.00                                                  02-24-92
Code by John L. Sokol
Documentation by Jesse Monroy Jr.

        How to it works?
            SPLAYIT is is a point and shoot front end for our
        SPLAY and SPLAYER.  It is a full screen utility with mouse
        and keyboard support. It is designed so that individual sound
        clips can be played back with minimal effort. Each sound file's
        playback (sampled) rate can be determined either by a filename
        extension convention or by a table of the stored playback (sample)
        rates ((more below)).
            This program was written as an example on how to use our
        product AUDIO BYTE and SPLAY.  Far below I will discuss the
        procedure on how to program using AUDIO BYTE and SPLAY. This
        program is written entirely  in Borland's Turbo Pascal and is
        both powerful and compact.

        The features include:

          .Wide range of playback and sample rates 5-44 kHz.
          .Supports all IBM PC types (8086,80x86).
          .Supports all standard IBM PC monitors.
          .Supports both mouse and keyboard commands.
          .Accepts most all PCM(1) sound formats
             (Sound Blaster-VOC,Macintosh,Amiga,SGI,etc.).
          .Uses the PC's own internal speaker(2).

                (1) PCM (Pulse Code Modulation) is a very common method for
                    storing analog signals (like sound) to digital format.
                (2) Some Laptops use Piezo buzzered, they don't work like
                    a speaker, so they sound scratchy (actually, horibble).

        What you'll NEED
        You will need an IBM PC computer (or compatible) with an internal

        We recommend at least an AT-PC (286) machine with a clock speed
        of about 10MHz or better. You may also want one of our
        AUDIO BYTES to playback sound thru the printer port(LPT1).
        A monitor of some sort, MDA, CGA, EGA, or VGA, would be nice.
        We also recommend a Hard Disk and, of course, the more memory
        the better.

        SPLAY does a superior job of playing back sound on the old
        (4MHz) IBM PCs than SPLAYER can. I strongly recommend an
        Audio Byte over the internal speaker.

        NOTE: SPLAY and SPLAYER do work on the old (4MHz) IBM PCs, but
              on the higher sample rates it may not sound correct.

        What you should know...
            You should know how to use the arrow keys and a mouse.

            If you are not familar with using the arrow keys or a mouse
        I can not really help you, that would take much more time
        and space than is available.

        Doing Something with SPLAYIT
            Just below is a view of the optimum usage for SPLAYIT.
        Explaining the usage of it can be more lengthy than would
        really be helpful, my best suggestion is to play (no pun
        intended) with SPLAYIT and then you will best be familiar
        with it.
            You may use SPLAYIT with or without a mouse. For the
        purpose of this discussion the screen is broken into left
        and right half.  I will also summarize the keyboard buttons
        at the end for clarity.

    1st ³                   ZEBRA RESEARCH LOGO                       ³
    2nd ³ Filename    | speed   | Size                                ³
    3rd ³ ..                 Directory           Speed database found ³
    4th ³ COX                Directory                                ³
    5th ³ JOHN               Directory           Output to use        ³
    6th ³ SPLAYER            Directory           Autodetect           ³
    7th ³ DARTH   .M11  11000 Hz  214 K                               ³
    8th ³ RAIDERS .M11  11000 Hz   61 K                               ³
    9th ³ -----------------------------          Click here to end    ³
        ³ -----------------------------                               ³
        ³ -----------------------------                               ³
        ³                                                             ³

                The LEFT HALF
                The second line from the top is just a label.

                The third line with the two dots is an active
                object, just click on it twice with your mouse pointer
                and you will change to that directory.

                The fourth through sixth line are directory up in the
                directory tree and can be accessed also by clicking on
                them twice also with the mouse pointer.

                The Seventh and Eight line are sound files and are
                a bit more complex in nature, so I will skip them for
                just a second.

                The Ninth line is a seires of dashes and is there just
                to take up space. They do nothing.

                        The SEVENTH and EIGHT lines again...
                is what you want to know about, so lets take it slow
                and use just the seventh line for an example.

                    The first part of the line, the filename, is active
                and clicking on it twice with the mouse pointer will
                activate either SPLAY or SPLAYER to play that sound file
                at the speed indicated to the left of the filename.

                    The second part of the line, the playback speed,  is
                active also but acts differently depending on which key
                you press.
                    Press the left mouse button and the playback speed
                will increase thru all the possible  combinations
                available to SPLAY and SPLAYER.
                    Press the right mouse button and the playback speed

   1st  ³                   ZEBRA RESEARCH LOGO                       ³ 1st
   2nd  ³ Filename    | speed   | Size                                ³ 2nd
   3rd  ³ ..                 Directory           Speed database found ³ 3rd
   4th  ³ COX                Directory                                ³ 4th
   5th  ³ JOHN               Directory           Output to use        ³ 5th
   6th  ³ SPLAYER            Directory           Autodetect           ³ 6th
   7th  ³ DARTH   .M11  11000 Hz  214 K                               ³ 7th
   8th  ³ RAIDERS .M11  11000 Hz   61 K                               ³ 8th
   9th  ³ -----------------------------          Click here to end    ³ 9th
        ³ -----------------------------                               ³
        ³ -----------------------------                               ³
        ³                                                             ³

                The RIGHT HALF
                The Third line from the top is a message to you
                from the program saying that it found the Speed
                datatbase for the sound files in that directory
                (more about the database later).

                The Fifth line is a label for the sixth line.

                The Sixth line is the type of device specified
                for playback.  Your choice are limited by the sound
                playback program you have.  If you only have SPLAYER
                then only the internal speaker will be used. If you
                have SPLAY then SPLAYIT will use the printer ports
                for sound output also.

                The Auto-port-detect is an exclusive feature of
                AUDIO BYTE and SPLAY.  To use it just plug it in
                to your printer port and ......SPLAYIT.

                AUTODETECT is the default port when you have SPLAY.

                Line nine is one of the exit button when you have
                a mouse, if you don't have a mouse use the  key.

        ³                   ZEBRA RESEARCH LOGO                       ³ 1st
        ³ Filename    | speed   | Size                                ³ 2nd
        ³ ..                 Directory           Speed database found ³ 3rd
        ³ COX                Directory                                ³ 4th
        ³ JOHN               Directory           Output to use        ³ 5th
        ³ SPLAYER            Directory           Autodetect           ³ 6th
        ³ DARTH   .M11  11000 Hz  214 K                               ³ 7th
        ³ RAIDERS .M11  11000 Hz   61 K                               ³ 8th
        ³ -----------------------------          Click here to end    ³ 9th
        ³ -----------------------------                               ³
        ³ -----------------------------                               ³
        ³                                                             ³

        Using the keyboard with SPLAYIT
        If you have a numeric keypad on your keyboard and SPLAY
        you should be able to do everthing available to SPLAYIT.

                              Pressing the UP-ARROW will move the
                                        selection bar to the next directory.

                            Pressing the DOWN-ARROW will move the
                                        selection bar to the selection just
                                        below the current one.

                 or          Hit the RETURN (or ENTER) key while
                                        an item is selected will play the
                                        sound file.

                            Use the LEFT-ARROW key on the numeric
                                        keypad to increase the playback
                                        speed on a selected file.

                           Use the RIGHT-ARROW key on the numeric
                                        keypad to decrease the speed.

                               PAGE-UP is useful when there is more
                                        than one page of sound file to play.

                             PAGE-DOWN will move the selection
                                        bar down to the bottom of the page
                                        or to the last filename on the page
                                        which ever is closest.

                 or           END or ESCape will exit the program.


"P" toggle the playback port to use (includes the printer port used with AUDIO BYTE, not include in PD release) SPLAY vs SPLAYER ---------------- The best way to see differences side by side. SPLAY SPLAYER ------------ ------------ user interface exactly the same for both ease of use exactly the same for both program size about the same for both sound format can play exactly the same for both sound resolution(1) 8-bits 6-bits theoretical Db(2) 48 Db 36 Db sound quality SUPERIOR OK playback equipment AUDIO BYTE PC internal speaker minimum PC setup(3) 4Mhz IBM PC 6MHz IBM AT (type) equipment OK(4) ALL IBM PCs MOST ALL PCs fast machine OK(5) SURE MOST ALL intended use Commercial Package Public Domain cost $39.95 FREE-PD junk mail?(6) NEVER IMPOSSIBLE (1) SPLAYER uses 6-bits to determine it's algorigthm, but the actual number bits use on ANY internal speaker playback program is TWO. (This is a bit technical.) (2) ANY internal speaker program has a theoretical SIGNAL-to-NOISE ratio of 36DB, at it's very best. (3) The comparison was done using an 11Khz sample sound file. SPLAY will run on an old (4MHz) PC, but we reccommend a higher perfoming machine. (4) SPLAYER does not run well on PC-JRs, 4MHz PCs, and LAPTOPs with piezo speakers. (5) Even Sound Blaster Pro has problems with fast 386's and 486's, AUDIO BYTE and SPLAY don't have any problems at all with fast machines. (6) Some companyes will sell your name to junk mailers to make some extra cash, unless you want junk mail WE PROMISE NEVER TO SELL YOUR NAME. PROGRAMING for SPLAY -------------------- SPLAY and SPLAYER work exactly the same, so will refer to both by the name of SPLAY in this discussion. There are two basic ways to use SPLAY. One, is to use it in a batch file, this is the easiest. The second way to program SPLAY is to call as an external program from another program. Batch programing ---------------- Here is a quick and dirty example: @echo off ; turn off the screen prompt CLS ; Clear the screen type welcome.ans ; display a color screen SPLAY welcome.m22 ; play a cheerful tune echo hit a key ; prompt the user for a key stroke pause ; wait for the keyboard :END ; label to mark the end of the batch This example was a bit short, but I think clear. SPLAY does its work quietly, so it will not mess up any messages that you have displayed previously. IT has auto-port-detect so you won't ever have to guess which port you plugged you AUDIO BYTE into. SPLAY is very small (about 3K) so memory should never be a problem. Child process (or EXEC) ----------------------- This a short discussion for normal sound program algorithms. For more information see the SPLAYIT source code. 1) - check for presences of external retrictors (DeskView, GeoWorks, or MS-Windows) These types of applications have a tendency to steal time from sound program... so they may not even work with them reliably 2) - resize memory Use DOS call int 21h function 4ah to reduce you memory overhead, so you can load a big a sound file as possible. 3) - close any unwanted files Open files rob memory space, close them as soon as possible. 4) - set up pointers to enviroment tables (call path directly if no table) Check your Programers' Reference for DOS int 21h Function 4Bh or for and EXEC process or a Child Proces. 5) - set up inheritance flags Most of upper level languages (like C or PASCAL) have a limiter flags to setup, so you can limit any excess information you may not want to pass to an external program. 6) - know the parameters your are using If you need to change the default parameters to SPLAY (like the speed) have a table or array ready so you can insert the parameter in your calling string. 7) - check for network presence when calling (or use compatiblity mode) Most people will never have to worry about this point but, if you plan to use SPLAY at work (let's say) not check for file lock may bomb your program. 8) - play your sound sample At this point most anything would need to have done is done, so, just play the sound sample back. 9) - ALL DONE When SPLAY is done the program should continune on the following line, just as if you called a subroutine. LAST, but not Least... ---------------------- SPLAYIT, in order to facilitate it's use may keep a speed database associate with each directoty that it uses files from. To determine the playback speed for a sound file SPLAYIT will look at the file's extension name. Upon exiting the program (or changing directories) SPLAYIT will update the database from any changes you may have made. The name of the database is SPEEDS.TXT (more about it later). Here is how the database associates: M44 will default to a speed of 44,000 Hz M22 .......................... 22,000 Hz M16 16,000 Hz M11 -------------------------- 11,000 Hz M8 8,000 Hz M7 .......................... 7,000 Hz M55 5,500 Hz SND will default to unknown VOC will default to unknown An example would be DARTH.M11 this sound sample would default to a playback speed of 11KHz, unless you change it, in which case it would save your new playback speed when you exited SPLAYIT. SPEEDS.TXT ---------- Quickly, here is the database format. It simply a text file with the filename on one line, follow on the next line by the "S" (speed) parameter needed to play it back at the speed requested. Here is an example. DARTH .M11 4 MUSHROOM.M11 3 The commandline verions for each file would look like this. C> SPLAY -s4 DARTH.M11 SPLAY will playback the sound file DARTH.M11 at 11KHz. C> SPLAY -s3 MUSHROOM.M11 SPLAY will playback the sound file MUSHROOM.M11 at 13.5KHz. THAT'S IT --------- Don't be afraid to call or write if I have made any misspellings or errrors while documenting SPLAYIT. ALSO, if anything is unclear, do call, after all this is our business. A N D T H A N K S A N D P L E A S E T R Y O U R A U D I O B Y T E ****************************************************************************** * * * More sound files are availible * * * * on Turbo Sys BBS (415)365-7491 2400 N/8/1 * * * ****************************************************************************** For MORE HELP, upgrades, registration, or additional sound files. Contact : Zebra Research modem (415)365-7491 --- Turbo Sys BBS 2400bps 8/N/1 { NEW, also check out the public domain software that run with } { our sound adapter, MODPLAY and PLAY (sound editor). } US mail: Zebra Research P.O. BOX 5716 Redwood City, Ca. 94063