SPLAYER v1.00 02-24-92 ------------- S P L A Y E R ------------------------------------- version 1.00 Digital Sound PLAYBACK utility ------------------------------ for the IBM PC internal speaker --------------------- FOR THE PUBLIC DOMAIN by Zebra Research Code by John L. Sokol ****************************************************************************** * * * More sound files are availible * * * * on Turbo Sys BBS (415)365-7491 2400 N/8/1 * * * ****************************************************************************** Our Promise to you.... --------------- Zebra Research promises to keep version of "SPLAYER" in the PUBLIC DOMAIN with every commercial release it produces. The idea is to make available to those that wish to explore digital audio, which might not normally be available. Who can use this Software.. --------------------------- This Software is available for use to any person or organization without restrictions, so long as it is not disassembled, reversed engineered or otherwise tampered with. Restrictions... --------------- This software may not be sold by any person or organization, except as a copying fee provided to companies whose primary business is copying of PUBLIC DOMAIN SOFWARE or SHAREWARE. You must supply this and any other documents included, to any one requesting a copy. You can not include this software with any computer hardware, except this the prior written permission of ZEBRA RESEARCH. User Support... --------------- User Support is limited to questions via electronic mail and direct calls to Zebra Research. If you call us we will answer your questions. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; SPLAYER v1.00 02-24-92 ------------- Code by John L. Sokol How to it works? ---------------- SPLAYER is digital sound playback program for the internal speaker. This a Public Domain subsitute for our SPLAY module released for our AUDIO BYTE. SPLAYER is complete compatible with our commercial Sound Implementation SPLAY. This utility offer programers and hackers alike a platform for not only developing application but, along with PLAYIT and PLAY (the digital sound editor), but great tools to impress your friends and associates. The features include: .Wide range of playback and sample rates 5-44 kHz. .Supports all IBM PC types (8086,80x86). .Accepts most all PCM(1) sound formats (Sound Blaster-VOC,Macintosh,Amiga,SGI,etc.). .Uses the PC's own internal speaker(2). .Uses six bits playback (some others use five on the internal speaker). .Uses an advanced algorigthm to sound good at any sample rate. .Does NOT crash on a old type PC (the original 4MHz machine). NOTE: If you are familiar with our SPLAY.exe it is very compatible with it. (1) PCM (Pulse Code Modulation) is a very common method for storing analog signals (like sound) to a digital format. (2) Some Laptops use Piezo buzzered, they don't work like a speaker, so they sound scratchy (actually, horibble). For the adventourious hackers replacing the speaker will solve the problem (At your own risk!!) What you'll NEED ---------------- You will need an IBM PC computer (or compatible) with an internal speaker. We recommend at least an AT-PC (286) machine with a clock speed of about 6MHz or better. You may also want one of our AUDIO BYTES to playback sound thru the printer port(LPT1). A monitor of some sort, MDA, CGA, EGA, or VGA, would be nice. We also recommend a Hard Disk and, of course, the more memory the merrier. NOTE: SPLAY and SPLAYER do work on the old (4MHz) IBM PCs, but on the higher sample rates it may not sound correct. SPLAY does a far superior job on the old (4MHz) PCs, I would strongly suggest you get a dongle to really hear the difference. Starting SPLAYER. ----------------- Starting SPLAYER can be done at the COMMAND LINE, by typing the program name followed by a blank space followed by the name of a sound sample (the file name of the sound sample). Here is an example: C:\SOUND>SPLAYER BART.SND SPLAYER will play the sound sample BART.SND at the default speed (22kHz) throught the internal speaker. Exiting SPLAYER. ---------------- When you are in the command line mode, SPLAYER will stop on it's own when done. Command Line Options -------------------- To get HELP enter SPLAYER at the commandline without any parameters and you will get help. Order is important for SPLAYER, make sure to leave the sound file name for last, the other parameters must preceed it. Synopsis: SPLAYER [options] soundfile Options are: -S (Sample rate parameter) from 0 to 9 0 = 44000 Hz | 5 = 8000 Hz Default 1 = 22000 Hz | 6 = 7000 Hz 2 = 16000 Hz | 7 = 6500 Hz 3 = 13500 Hz | 8 = 5500 Hz 4 = 11000 Hz | 9 = 5000 Hz -V Verbose (Causes text output) NOTE: Errors will always be displayed EXAMPLE: SPLAYER -S4 -V C:\SND\COKEISIT.SND will play file COKEISIT.SND at 11 KHZ Sample Rate Parameter --------------------- To use the "S" parameter correctly follow it immediately by a number parameter between 0 (zero) and 9 (nine). Zero is the highest playback speed parameter and Nine is the lowest playback speed. The speeds are listed above. Verbose Parameter ----------------- SPLAYER usually does it's work quietly, to get more message on your screen use the "V" parameter. This parameter is useful is you are unsure of what SPLAYER is doing at any one time. It is also useful if you want to see our name. ****************************************************************************** * * * More sound files are availible * * * * on Turbo Sys BBS (415)365-7491 2400 N/8/1 * * * ****************************************************************************** For MORE HELP, upgrades, registration, or additional sound files. Contact : Zebra Research modem (415)365-7491 --- Turbo Sys BBS 2400bps 8/N/1 { NEW, also check out the public domain software that run with } { our sound adapter, MODPLAY and PLAY (sound editor). } US mail: Zebra Research P.O. BOX 5716 Redwood City, Ca. 94063