Enumera objective is to provide extreme processor solutions.
To dominate the small "disposable" low end market, to provide a super co-processor for the desktop market and the extreme high end super computers while avoiding the commodity CPU markets that companies like Intel and AMD dominate.
Why are we called Enumera? It is short for Enumerate meaning to count or to mention items one by one. The logo is Sigma for summation and numera the base word for numbers and numerals(Sum Numbers). This is a very common this in calculus and parallel processing. Also E-foobar is trendy like in E-Trade or E-Bay.
Work on Enumera begins. It was started by John Sokol after researching and building a computing cluster for video compression at DVBS Inc. and realizing there were no adequate solutions currently available on the market but there was a growing demand for such clusters.
August 1999 -
Research and a $500,000 quote is prepared for ICOM communications a large ISP in Southern California. This is to create a software product similar to the IServer Virtual host technology that allows a single UNIX Server to Act as 20+ Servers allowing each end customer to an ISP to have the illusion of there own root accounts and there own personal UNIX servers. It was realized that building a custom hardware solution would have a lower "cost per port" and even using lower power CPU's would give better performance than sharing one powerful system.
September 1999 -
First Draft of Business plan completed.
October 1999 -
Bergen, Ltd. a Capital firm based in Los Angeles made a $2,000,000 investment offer. This was turned down because is was felt that it would limit our abilities to raise additional financing in the future.
December 1999 -
Two of Enumera founding members are voted on to the board of the "Parallel Processing Connection" . This a group that meets monthly at Sun Microsystems cooperate headquarters and has been hosting lectures about Parallel computing since 1989. It has had speakers from just about every major force in the super computing and parallel processing world. Next, Sun, Oracle, nCube, Thinking Machines, SGi, NASA, INMOS, Xerox PARC, This list is endless.
June 2000 -
Enumera begins joint research effort with LinPDA, a group lead by James Sparenberg working on a Linux based Personal Digital Assistant. This research was toward reducing the size of a full size server into a miniature PC board. The effort let to a relation ship with NEC and a prototype based on the VR4181 CPU (MIPS compatible).
August 2000 -
Began researching to verify an incredible new CPU technology after hearing a talk at the Parallel Processing Connection. The talk was "Developing Chips Without Spending a Zillion Dollars" by Chuck Moore inventor of the FORTH Programming Language.
October 2000 - Enumera's management has verified the CPU technology after much travel and dozens of face to face interview, Patent Searches and bringing in Stanford and Cal tech experts in Silicon Chips and Electronics to "Run the numbers". Also there are working prototypes that have been examined. Terms have been Negotiated for acquiring the new CPU technology upon funding. |
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November 2000 -
Enumera forms agreement with Zydeo Inc. a streaming video company to provide 1U Rack Mount FreeBSD servers as the base platform for the new Zydeo Livecam server product line.
April 2001 -
Zydeo and Enumera both close and the group disbands.
John Sokol contiuned to persue a Music copyright protection device based on the Chuck Moore/Enumera CPU but this falls on deaf ears.
June 2002 -
Enumera's founder begins work on a Silent PC based on a simplified design of an Enumera multiprocessor server.
July 2002 -
Harrison Rose suggests naming the computer Nisvara, Sanskrit for Silence.
This eventually Becomes Nisvara Inc. NISVARA.COM
November 2002 -
The first aesthetic prototype is completed (Images here) preliminary patents filed and a presentation is made to Intel Capital by Nisvara Inc.
January 2003 -
Nisvara Inc. is accepted into the Girvan Institute of Technology at NASA Ames Research Park, Moffett Field Mountain View California. This provides access to NASA Technology and facilites, office space and provding technology back to NASA. They are interested in the Thermal Management Technology developed by Nisvara.
August to November 2003 -
The Grammy Foundation was interesting in a $2.5M grant proposal to develop the Music copyright protection system. Unfortunatly this didn't happen.
July 2003 to April 2004 -
Nisvara is in talks with NASA Ames about building the Hyperwall II using the Older Enumera fluid Cooled Rack design. A proposal was submitted, but the group at NASA didn't have sufficient funding to build it.
This would have been one of the most powerfull computer clusters ever build. 1024 Dual AMD Opterons, and it would have been silent and not required Air Conditioning!!!
August 2004 to present (June 2005) -
Nisvara testing of the fluid cooled rack design shows a very significant saving of power consumed. They have been in negotiations with the CEC (California Energy Commission) for a grant to deploy a test server room, for a more credable , third party verification of these claims.