*BSD News Article 98232

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Date: 21 Jun 1997 13:46:00 +0100
From: chrimek@rimki.toppoint.de (Christoph Rimek)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc
Message-ID: <6ZHRRNBZo$B@rimki.toppoint.de>
Subject: NFS -alldirs question
X-Newsreader: CrossPoint v3.11 R/C6513
Organization: Toppoint Mailbox e.V.
Reply-To: chrimek@toppoint.de
Lines: 28
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc:6147


I am using NetBSD 1.2.1 on two machines, one as mailserver, the other
one as www-server. Then I wanted to export all users' home directories
to the other (www) machine using '/home -alldirs FQDN_of_other_machine'
in the file:/etc/exports.
But 'showmount -e' shows nothing, and the other machine can't mount
any directory.

When I leave out the '-alldirs' flag, everything works fine.
But, what for it this flag? As I understand, it is meant for the client
being able to mount every single subdirectory tree of the whole exported
filesystem, so that I can mount the $HOME of userA and of userB while
userC's $HOME is not mounted. Am I right?

Although there are man pages it is a bit diffucult to understand all
the little things if one is not a native english spaeker :-( .

One other question:
what about file:/etc/netgroup and the associated utility netgroup_mkdb ?
Can I read it as a local version of NIS with its netgroup map, and does
it work in the same manner ?

Christoph Rimek, Kiel, Germany  (+49 431 57601)      chrimek@toppoint.de