*BSD News Article 9656

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Subject: Re: Problem to transfer large data via socket communication - Need Help
Message-ID: <106513@bu.edu>
Date: 8 Jan 93 15:35:50 GMT
References: <1993Jan8.071612.13716@news.uni-stuttgart.de>
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Organization: Computer Science Department, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA
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In article <1993Jan8.071612.13716@news.uni-stuttgart.de$> wnkretz@ikesg1.energietechnik.uni-stuttgart.de (Oliver Kretzschmar) writes:
$>  Hey,
$>  we develope a program with socket communication. We have large
$>  datas to transfer. So we use the following routines
$>  to send data from socket to socket (stream):
$>        write(socket,(char*)data,buffer)
$>        read(socket,(char*)data,buffer)
$>  But now we've problems sending/receiving large data for
$>  example 50*50*50 matrix of floats or larger. Is there any
$>  transfer-bufferlimitation by using streamsockets, that we can
$>  manipulate ? Exists there no more comfortable possibility to
$>  transfer the data ? Please mail me your informations

Depending on the system the limits may vary. For example, if you are on
a CRAY there are routines to call which pack and unpack floats before
sending them across. AIX poses a limit of 32K minus a few bytes per read.
Most UNIX systems fail when sending over 50,000 bytes roughly (this is the
limit on most UNIX systems). So, you should set the buffer size for the
socket on both ends.
