*BSD News Article 9648

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From: tm@mentor.dk (Tonny Madsen)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd
Subject: [386bsd] The install program (again)
Date: 8 Jan 1993 08:59:40 +0100
Organization: Mentor Informatik, Denmark
Lines: 40
Message-ID: <1ijc9dINNg17@bach.mentor.dk>
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Keywords: install tiny bsd 386bsd

I have just been asked to install 386bsd on 30+ machines, and would
like some advise on this.

My idea is to make a 386bsd partition, that is as small as possible,
and then NFS mount everything else from a fast server (probably a
DEC/5000). In theory this partition can be as small as 2-3 Mb (plus
swap!), but it doesn't necessarily have to be this small :->

To do this I would like to have a single disk, like the tiny 386bsd
boot disk, that a potential user can use to make his local 386bsd
environment. And for this I need something like the install program
from the tiny 386bsd boot disk. I haven't been able to find this
program in my (full) distribution, and from a posting just before
christmas I understand this program isn't in the public domain. The
questions then is:

- can I get the sources for the install program anyhow? :-> :->

- does anybody have an install-like program I can use? :->

- does anybody have some of the code fragments, that is needed to get
  the disk geometry from the CMOS, make the initial disk label, and
  change the master boot block to use 386bsd or one of the multiple OS
  booters, that are available? :-|

- does anybody know how to get the disk geometry from the CMOS? :-<

Thanks in advance

-- tonny

Tonny Madsen, Mentor Informatik a/s, Fredens Torv 6, DK-8000 Arhus C, Denmark
telephone: +45 86 20 13 33 telefax  : +45 86 13 01 33
e-mail   : tm@mentor.dk
Tonny Madsen, Mentor Informatik a/s, Fredens Torv 6, DK-8000 Arhus C, Denmark
telephone: +45 86 20 13 33 telefax  : +45 86 13 01 33
e-mail   : tm@mentor.dk