*BSD News Article 95885

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From: sthaug@nethelp.no (Steinar Haug)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: UDP problem on 2.1.6
Date: 21 May 1997 18:53:19 GMT
Organization: Nethelp Consulting, Trondheim, Norway
Lines: 32
Message-ID: <5lvgb0$oi3@verdi.nethelp.no>
References: <337f08f8.11769829@news.wirehub.nl> <338040C5.446B9B3D@FreeBSD.org>
NNTP-Posting-Host: dole.uninett.no
In-reply-to: "Jordan K. Hubbard"'s message of Mon, 19 May 1997 05:00:05 -0700
Cache-Post-Path: dole.uninett.no!unknown@verdi.nethelp.no
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:41362

["Jordan K. Hubbard"]

|   > For a number of servers, we use IP aliases. This worked ok for quite a while but
|   > all of a sudden, one of our nameservers (the IP address this one is known by is
|   > an aliased address) stopped responding. Also other services on the box (like
|   > NFS) refused to respond. But only if we tried it on the aliased address; the
|   > main address gave no problem! Rebooting the box didn't help. At a total loss, we
|   > had to move the DNS away to another box (other OS) just to keep working...
|   It's not a UDP problem, it has more to do with an odd feature(?) of
|   named that it keeps one file descriptor open per virtual domain you have
|   configured (the IP alias doesn't have anything _directly_ to do with it,
|   it's just part of the same configuration details).

Um, I sense a misunderstanding here.

named does *not* keep a file descriptor open per domain (or zone file)
in any reasonably new version of BIND. In that respect it doesn't matter
whether your name server serves 1 or 1000 domains.

named *does* keep a file descriptor (socket) open per interface on the
machine. This includes interface aliases, so if you have lots of these,
named will use lots of descriptors.

named needs to bind explicitly to each interface in order to send UDP
answers on the same interface the queries arrived on. If you use aliases,
named will normally have lots of open file descriptors which aren't really

In BIND-8.1 you can explicitly specify which interfaces named should use.

Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting, sthaug@nethelp.no