*BSD News Article 95740

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From: gpalmer@SPAM.webspan.net (Gary Palmer)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: lsdev in FreeBSD 2.2.1
Date: 19 May 1997 19:39:30 EDT
Organization: WebSpan Inc., New Jersey
Lines: 23
Sender: gpalmer@mutara.noc.webspan.net
Message-ID: <5lqobi$dhs@news.webspan.net>
References: <338050B3.41C67EA6@hugo.bmg.gv.at>
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Mime-Version: 1.0
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Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:41234

In article <338050B3.41C67EA6@hugo.bmg.gv.at>,
	Alexander Hausner <alex@hugo.bmg.gv.at> writes:
> Hi All,
> I have used FreeBSD 2.1 since Jan 96 and I have now upgraded to 2.2.1.
> My question: It seems that the lsdev utility disapeared in 2.2.1, is
> there any replacement? Why disapeared this nice utility?

The kernel infrastructure was deleted because it was not being
developed, didn't do what it was designed to, etc. No idea if it will
be replaced.

> I have also
> problems with X11 and other programs if I change the kernel security
> level to 1 (No Keyboard response on xdm, problems with sshd)  which i
> never had under 2.1.

With a kernel security level of 1, X shouldn't even be able to *RUN*
from what I understand. The sshd problem is curious and a new one to
