*BSD News Article 95657

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From: Piet Honkoop <piet@wirehub.net>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: UDP problem on 2.1.6
Date: Mon, 19 May 1997 15:15:46 +0200
Organization: Wirehub! Internet
Lines: 49
Message-ID: <Pine.SV4.3.91.970519143123.17061B-100000@poindexter>
References: <337f08f8.11769829@news.wirehub.nl> <338040C5.446B9B3D@FreeBSD.org>
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To: jkh@FreeBSD.org
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Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:41167

On Mon, 19 May 1997, Jordan K. Hubbard wrote:


> Piet Honkoop wrote:
> > For a number of servers, we use IP aliases. This worked ok for quite a while but
> > all of a sudden, one of our nameservers (the IP address this one is known by is
> > an aliased address) stopped responding. Also other services on the box (like
> > NFS) refused to respond. But only if we tried it on the aliased address; the
> > main address gave no problem! Rebooting the box didn't help. At a total loss, we
> > had to move the DNS away to another box (other OS) just to keep working...
> It's not a UDP problem, it has more to do with an odd feature(?) of
> named that it keeps one file descriptor open per virtual domain you have
> configured (the IP alias doesn't have anything _directly_ to do with it,
> it's just part of the same configuration details).  If you want to host
> lots of domains this way, add something like:

Thanks for the suggestion. The box that caused trouble could indeed run 
out of file descriptors, but (afaik) named opens its files/sockets once 
and never releases them (except for a kill -HUP maybe). The box does only 
3 other things (authentication with radius & tacacs+ and statistics 
gathering for a number of routers). The nasty point here is that the 
radius daemon breaks if you raise OPEN_MAX over 256 (which is the current 
max). The machine in case only has 1 extra IP address (via alias, only in 
order to make moving the service easy and painless). Now it could be that 
the statistics gathering eats up a lot of descriptors, but that shouldn't 
influence named (because that's started as a daemon well beforehand) or 
am I missing something?

Thanks for your opinion on this...


> options	"OPEN_MAX=512"
> To your kernel config file (see /sys/i386/conf/LINT for references).
> -- 
> - Jordan Hubbard
>   FreeBSD core team / Walnut Creek CDROM.

Wirehub! Internet              Rotterdam        +31 10 4110403