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From: Elchonon Edelson <wanderer@isoft.com>
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Subject: Re: unix acronyms -collecting a list?
Date: Wed, 14 May 1997 18:56:42 -0400
Organization: IntelliSoft Corp
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Dr. Borg wrote:
> grep - global regular expression parser

Actually, this came from the vi editor's regular expression
global command. "g/re/p" at the : commandline meant
global/regular-expression/print. It would search for the
regexp globally, and display all matching lines.

> mv - move
> cat - catenate
> tee - T
> fifo - first in, first out

(no mention of gigo?)

> --
> My real email address is:       <vladimip @ uniserve dot com>
> #include <disclaimer.h>  |     *Good pings come in small packets*
>        Vancouver         |  Ceterum censeo Microsoftam delendam esse
>    British Columbia      | SIGSIG -- signature too long (core dumped)

Elchonon Edelson	wanderer@isoft.com
IntelliSoft Corp.	http://www.isoft.com/