*BSD News Article 94996

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From: "T.M. Sommers" <tms2@postoffice.ptd.net>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: infinite loop in sysinstall
Date: 11 May 1997 03:01:50 GMT
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pavanas abludo incusus wrote:
> on a running system i was attempting with /stand/sysinstall to add the
> Linux lib pkg (from memory may not be exact name) and i got the message
> file system full. oops. i checked with `df' and saw `/ Capacity 109%'.
> that was that. does anyone know why? it does become a little old to keep
> re-doing the install. the option choice was /tmp/usr.

I had the same problem. The Linux stuff is put in /compat, and there is
a lot of it. Making a /usr/compat and linking /compat to it should solve
the problem.