*BSD News Article 94917

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From: Jacob Weeks <jaw181@psu.edu>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: can't find kernel
Date: Thu, 01 May 1997 20:24:19 -0400
Organization: Penn State University, Center for Academic Computing
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zy01@greenwich.ac.uk wrote:
> I am trying to install a freebsd 2.2 in my computer. I built the boot
> disk. Copy bin to c:/freebsd/bin. Then install it.
> It looks fine.  after I choose install from harddisk wd0s1. It install.
> But just take 20 seconds(Trouble must be here).
> Aftwer I reboot, F3, Boot: appear. Then It says  Can,t find kernel.
> What wrong with that?

I'm a beginner with 2.2.1 and I just reinstalled win95 on the other
500MB of my 1.6GB harddrive, Yes I gave BSD over 1GB, but that is a
different story.  When I finished the installation my system nolonger
found BSD so I had to boot from the floppy and type something to the
order of ( 0: wd(o,a) /kernel ) or somthing to that effect at the boot:
prompt and it worked.  You may wish to try somthing like that or try
typing /kernel at the boot prompt.

I hope this helped, what ever you do stick with BSD.

Jacob A. Weeks	(A.K.A Jonah)
www: HTTP://cs.hbg.psu.edu/~jaw181
E-Mail jaw181@psu.edu

BSD RULES !!!!!!!