*BSD News Article 94850

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From: rittle@supra.rsch.comm.mot.com (Loren James Rittle)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: 2.2.1, XFree86 3.2: XSM just croaks
Date: 30 Apr 1997 21:06:08 GMT
Organization: LMPS Research, Motorola
Lines: 27
Message-ID: <5k8c80$4d3@lmpsbbs.comm.mot.com>
References: <33673394.2781E494@rwwa.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: supra.comm.mot.com
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:40079

In article <33673394.2781E494@rwwa.com>, Robert Withrow  <witr@rwwa.com> wrote:
>Logging into XDM with a user with no .xsession, the default is to
>run xsm.  But it just cores.  Here is a sample from the log:
>/kernel: pid 178 (xsm), uid 1001: exited on signal 11 (core dumped)
>Is this just broken, or is it me?


Error checking and reporting appears to be a bit flawed in XSM under
FreeBSD.  The behavior you describe can happen when you have no proper
entry for the machine in /etc/hosts.

Even if you have no IP networking enabled for a machine, I have found
that you must have an entry for the machine's hostname.  It should
map to the local loopback address:	your_machine_name_as_returned_by_the_hostname_command

Loren J. Rittle (rittle@comm.mot.com)	PGP KeyIDs: 1024/B98B3249 2048/ADCE34A5
Systems Technology Research (IL02/2240)	FP1024:6810D8AB3029874DD7065BC52067EAFD
Motorola, Inc.				FP2048:FDC0292446937F2A240BC07D42763672
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