*BSD News Article 94720

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From: bcapital@sci.fi (Saku Elovaara)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc
Subject: Problem with NetBSD and SS1
Date: 29 Apr 1997 20:21:05 GMT
Organization: Scifi Communications International Oy, http://www.sci.fi/, helpdesk@sci.fi, 03 2899111
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Message-ID: <5k5l7h$r6j@tron.sci.fi>
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Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc:5865

I have BOOTP and TFTP servers in my linux box and SS1 boot great from
it with linux/sparc, but when it load netbsd.GENERIC (or netbsd) image
(1.2) it read it and then say only:

>b le()netbsd
Booting from: le(0,0,0)
149c00 The file just loaded is intented for different CPU type.

Saku Elovaara <sakke@iki.fi>