*BSD News Article 94597

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From: causse@sphynx.fdn.fr (Philippe Causse)
Subject: Re: rdate for FreeBSD
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References: <9014106B902414DF.F2C1CE0DB63DC135.683F46B51D3A4FBF@library-proxy.airnews.net>
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 1997 12:23:27 GMT
Lines: 20
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:39862

Phil Crown (pcrown@airmail.net) wrote:
: Anybody know where I can get rdate for FreeBSD?

Rdate is a convenient tool for quick date/time setups but is not usable
for maintaining wall clock accuracy.
You should look at xntpd/ntpdate, a far better system (IMHO) !
Nevertheless, if you need to get a remote date information, the obvious
solution is: telnet remotehost daytime !

Maybe a switch could be added to the date(1) command, to perform this
operation automatically :-)
 	# date -r somehost
would be handy sometimes...

: -- 
: Phil Crown  pcrown@airmail.net  http://web2.airmail.net/pcrown/
P. Causse			http://www.fdn.fr/~pcausse
4.4BSD/X11R6/Motif-2.0/C++	mailto:causse@sphynx.fdn.fr (UUCP)