*BSD News Article 94522

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From: Robert Hatch <rlhatch@ifx.net>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Installation Question
Date: Sat, 26 Apr 1997 13:27:54 +0000
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I just got my FreeBSD-2.2.1 CD from Walnut Creek CDRom and I am trying
to install it.  When selecting a distribution, I choose X-Developer. 
Immediately thereafter, the installation goes through some other screens
(i.e., encription, etc).  After-which, the screen returns to the
distribution selection screen.  Strangely enough, not only is
X-developer selected (which was my choice), but also Developer, X-user,
and a couple others.  If I continue with the installation, all appears
to go well.  However, XFRee86 does not install (which I would like to
have).  Is anyone else having this problem?  Is there a fix for this? 
IF so, what can I do to get the installation software to work properly?

Thanks in advance for any help that can be provided.


Robert Hatch
email: rlhatch@ifx.net