*BSD News Article 94383

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From: pf@elissa.hc.ti.com (Paul Fuqua)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: tcpdump on 2.1.5
Date: 25 Apr 1997 00:25:08 GMT
Organization: Texas Instruments
Lines: 21
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <PF.97Apr24192508@elissa.hc.ti.com>
References: <5jj214$2o6@opal.emeraldis.com> <E92zw6.Axn@ict.nl>
NNTP-Posting-Host: elissa.hc.ti.com
In-reply-to: "Kapil Chowksey's message of Thu, 24 Apr 1997 09:24:13 +0000
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:39688

    Date: Thu, 24 Apr 1997 09:24:13 +0000
    From: "Kapil Chowksey (Jaeger)" <kchowksey@hss.hns.com>

    I had the same problem with tcpdump. After adding the bpf pseudo-device,
    tcpdump says /dev/ix0: Device not configured. I've got an ether-express
    card which works perfectly otherwise. Any help out here ?

The ix driver doesn't support bpf -- the comment in i386/isa/if_ix.c
says "/*ZZZ no work done on this, this is just here to remind me*/".

I just got rid of one of those losers (somehow a shiny new P6-200
PCI-bus machine was shipped with an ISA-bus EtherExpress16 instead of
the standard 3C905);  it would only work in 8-bit mode, and generated
hundreds of device-timeout messages per day.

Trivia note:  my 1985-vintage TI Explorer Lisp machine has an Ethernet
card with the same 82586 chip as the EtherExpress16.  This ain't
cutting-edge technology.

Paul Fuqua
Texas Instruments, Dallas, Texas                     pf@hc.ti.com