*BSD News Article 94175

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From: mhughes@bridge.com (Michael Hughes)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Help with ghostscrip on 2.1.7
Date: 22 Apr 1997 13:49:30 GMT
Organization: Bridge Information Systems, Inc.
Lines: 17
Message-ID: <5jifla$ebj@usenet.bridge.com>
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Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:39522

  I was running 2.1.0.  I had my printer setup to us ghostscript to print ps
files.  I have a system failure about two weeks ago and I installed 2.1.7.  I
had to reinstall ghostscript at that time.  Well last night I tried to print
a ps file.  It doesn't work any more.  It said that it couldn't find the
gs_init.ps.  I used the pkg_manage program to load it.  In looking for the
problem, I found that /usr/local/lib/ghostscript was set to dr--r--r--.  Is
this right?  Can anyone help me on this one?

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' ) ) )      /           //   ' )  /         /                          best ! 
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/ ' (_<_(__/ /_(_/|_</_</_    /  (_(_/_(_)_/ /_</_/_)_                         
Bridge Information Systems, Inc.        /|                                    
St Louis MO                             |/                  mhughes@bridge.com 