*BSD News Article 93954

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From: j@uriah.heep.sax.de (J Wunsch)
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Linux or FreeBSD (or something else?)
Date: 19 Apr 1997 16:12:26 GMT
Organization: Private BSD site, Dresden
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Rick Kelly <rmk@rmkhome.com> wrote:

(SMIT's running, or falling flat :) little guy.)

> The little guy must be staggering on a 14.4k modem. :-)

No, it's not, it's only that he keeps the modem busy which wouldn't
strictly needed if they had loaded the pixmaps once as an image, and
only swapped which image to display.  The designers of SMIT's X11
interface apparently used a too fast network link. :-)

cheers, J"org

joerg_wunsch@uriah.heep.sax.de -- http://www.sax.de/~joerg/ -- NIC: JW11-RIPE
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