*BSD News Article 93621

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From: rone@bofh.noc.best.net (Ron Echeverri)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Netscape - X Windows swapping problem
Date: 15 Apr 1997 14:58:13 -0700
Organization: fidgety systems administrators gmbh
Lines: 50
Message-ID: <5j0tll$s9g$1@bofh.noc.best.net>
References: <3349D0B6.5572@eng2.uconn.edu> <zS45pMD4F99acz9@rb.xs.use.ch> <5ijedj$12j$1@bofh.noc.best.net> <861121469.606700@aldan>
NNTP-Posting-Host: bofh.noc.best.net
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:39119

In article <861121469.606700@aldan>,
Mikhail Teterin <mi@ALDAN.ziplink.net> wrote:
>Honorable Ron Echeverri
>      wrote on 10 Apr (in article <5ijedj$12j$1@bofh.noc.best.net>):

>>>I had no problems using Netscape 3.01 under either FreeBSD 2.1.5
>>>or 2.2.1.
>>>You might add some swap space.. about 60 MB would be good for
>>>your configuration..

>=I have just over 117MB of swap, and it still happens...  After a few
>=days, depending on what else i run, Netscape 3.01 will slowly consume
>=my swap until there's nothing left.  I have to exit it to recover
>=about 60MB of swap, and then restart it.  I guess the Netscape
>=programmers haven't heard about memory leaks.

>Weird... I have 4 (busy) Netscape windows open right now, with Netscape
>process data (from top):
> 3579 mi        2   0 19480K  7268K select  21:07  0.38%  0.38% netscape.bin

>Total swap (with the 48Mb of RAM) is

I only have 32MB of RAM; who knows how much difference that makes...

>mi@rtfm:~/.knews (1210) pstat -s
>Device      1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity  Type
>/dev/sd0s1b     32768    32696        8   100%    Interleaved
>/dev/sd1s1b     65536    44944    20528    69%    Interleaved
>Total           98176    77640    20536    79%

How long has it been running?

>I also have knews, 12 xterms, fvwm95 with lots of icons, Wingz
>tkman and minor x-clients (clock, youbin, etc.) running.

I have 13 xterms, emacs, and fvwm, so it's very similar to your
setup.  I'm also running apache and inn (small feed).

>Check, if your Netscape's memory cache is set to something large
>may be...

512K memory cache, 4M disk cache.  Nothing unusual.

Ron Echeverri         Best Internet Usenet Administration         rone@best.net
    My personal policy prevents me from replying to people who intentionally
         break their email address.  I apologize for the inconvenience.