*BSD News Article 9332

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From: mycroft@hal.gnu.ai.mit.edu (Charles Hannum)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd
Subject: Re: [386BSD] GCC 2.3.2 floating point problems
Date: 27 Dec 1992 21:59:41 GMT
Organization: /etc/organization
Lines: 23
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <1hl90dINNjsh@life.ai.mit.edu>
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In article <1hklblINN7rb@life.ai.mit.edu> mycroft@hal.gnu.ai.mit.edu
(Charles Hannum) writes:
> ldexp() is such a trivial function that I don't know why it wasn't
> just coded in assembly language.

With foot halfway in mouth, I point out that I missed a trivial

#include	"DEFS.h"

	fildl	12(%esp)
	fldl	4(%esp)
	fstp	%st(1)

 \  /   Charles Hannum, mycroft@ai.mit.edu
 /\ \   PGP public key available on request.  MIME, AMS, NextMail accepted.
Scheme  White heterosexual atheist male (WHAM) pride!