*BSD News Article 93227

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From: gbuchanan@on.sympatico.ca (Gardner Buchanan)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: QuickCam Driver?
Date: 8 Apr 1997 23:55:17 GMT
Organization: Sympatico
Lines: 31
Message-ID: <5ielt5$8j0$1@news1.sympatico.ca>
References: <Pine.OSF.3.95.970406123246.18162A-100000@alpha1.phoenix.net>
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Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:38824

In article <cmott-0604972059480001@>,
	cmott@srv.net (Charles Mott) writes:
> (2) What other inexpensive video capture options are there?

Check out the WinCam at:


It is similar to the QuickCam.  It is colour only.  Its interface
is serial, so it is slow, even though it does do 115,000 bps.  It
would be more computationally efficient to deal with (no polling
the parallel) and can be operated from farther - even over a modem.
They have a multi-drop protocol too.

In spite of the name, there is a fair bit of GPL Linux based source
code on their web site to make it go from a real computer.

Neat units.  A bit pricey though IMO.  Also ugly as sin.

> (3) Will the QuickCam interface accept video input from others sources, or
> is it an integrated unit?

No, just the view through the lens. same for the WinCam.

Good luck,

Gardner Buchanan    <gbuchanan@sympatico.ca>
Ottawa, ON