*BSD News Article 92001

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From: "Jordan K. Hubbard" <jkh@FreeBSD.org>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Q: Ip Masquarading
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 1997 17:46:25 -0800
Organization: Walnut Creek CDROM
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Carsten Franck wrote:
> Hmm, what if i don't want to use ppp ?
> For example if i have 2 ethernet boards in my machine, one directly
> connected to the internet and the other connected to my local area
> network.
> Currently, the machine runs under linux and uses ipfwadm to forward and
> masquerade the packets, acting as a firewall.
> Is that possible with freebsd ?

Then you want to use something called natd - it hasn't been integrated
with FreeBSD yet, but it's available as an add-on from various FTP
sites.  Do a net search for it.

- Jordan Hubbard
  FreeBSD core team / Walnut Creek CDROM.