*BSD News Article 91752

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From: wpaul@ctr.columbia.edu (Bill Paul)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: YP question with 2.1.5
Date: 23 Mar 1997 18:22:42 GMT
Organization: Columbia University Center for Telecommunications Research
Lines: 65
Message-ID: <5h3sdi$5oc@sol.ctr.columbia.edu>
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Daring to challenge the will of the almighty Leviam00se, A. Karl Heller
(heller@socko.cdnow.com) had the courage to say:

: Bill Paul (wpaul@ctr.columbia.edu) wrote:
: : Daring to challenge the will of the almighty Leviam00se, A. Karl Heller
: : (heller@socko.cdnow.com) had the courage to say:

: : :   I've got a 2.1.5 box that is running ypserv just fine.  I have a Solaris
: : : 2.5.1 box that uses it as a yp server.  If I do a "ypcat passwd" on Solaris
: : : or FreeBSD I get the correct output.  If I do a "ypcat hosts" on FreeBSD
: : : I get the correct output.  If I do a "ypcat hosts" on Solaris, the list is
: : : duplicated several times.  I'm worried that something is broken and I'm
: : : not sure on what.  I figure there is something wrong with the Solaris YP
: : : client or the FreeBSD server that messes up the list ( but why only hosts?? ).

: : This is actually 'normal.' If you do a ypcat -k hosts, it might make
: : more sense: this will show you the keys associated with the data that
: : you're dumping from the map.

: : What's happening is that you have an /etc/hosts entry like this:

:  Thanks.  It makes sense now. 

:  And NIS+ will be coming to FreeBSD when? =)

I'm _working_ on it! :) Seriously: I'm gonna try to commit the
Secure RPC changes this week (NIS+ needs Secure RPC). As for NIS+ itself,
that parts that I've done are:

- Created libnisdb implementation (required for NIS+ server)
- Completed about 60% of the server, rpc.nisd (still have to implement
  logging and clean up the prototype mess I've created while trying to
  make sense of NIS+'s deeper mysteries).
- Implemented parts of nislib needed to make the server work (still
  a lot of crap to do here).

I still need to do all the client utilities. Plus I'm still a little
fuzzy on how to correctly handle replica servers, but I'll work on that
once I get the rest of the server finished.

While that may not seem like much, consider that I also had to get
Secure RPC working, which included merging bits into the existing
libraries and porting keyserv, keylogin, keylogout, newkey, chkey,
and writing rpc.ypupdated. (Not to mention trying to figure out a
clean way to deal with crypto-export issues.)

There's still one thing I haven't figured out how to do yet, and that's
merging the client NIS+ support into libc. Linux has its own name service
switch, which is all well and good, but that in itself is a whole other
project and I just don't have time for it. I've noticed that the newest
BIND stuff (version 8) seems to have its own kind of name service switch.
Maybe by the time I'm done with my stuff I'll be able to mergeit with


-Bill Paul            (212) 854-6020 | System Manager, Master of Unix-Fu
Work:         wpaul@ctr.columbia.edu | Center for Telecommunications Research
Home:  wpaul@skynet.ctr.columbia.edu | Columbia University, New York City
  "Now, that's "Open" as used in the sentence "Open your wallet", right?"