*BSD News Article 91731

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From: dillon@flea.best.net (Matt Dillon)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc,comp.unix.bsd.bsdi.misc,comp.sys.sgi.misc
Subject: Re: no such thing as a "general user community"
Date: 22 Mar 1997 01:49:45 -0800
Organization: BEST Internet Communications, Inc.
Lines: 35
Message-ID: <5h09vp$mtr@flea.best.net>
References: <331BB7DD.28EC@net5.net> <5gsgsm$c5l@gazette.engr.sgi.com> <5gt4n5$9cc@flea.best.net> <5gv3h4$968@prometheus.acsu.buffalo.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: flea.best.net
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:37539 comp.unix.bsd.bsdi.misc:6426 comp.sys.sgi.misc:29359

:In article <5gv3h4$968@prometheus.acsu.buffalo.edu>,
:John Whitley <whitley@cs.buffalo.edu> wrote:
:>Matt Dillon <dillon@flea.best.net> wrote:
:>>:Doug Cook <cook@candiru.engr.sgi.com> wrote:
:>>:>I disagree. Latency is the main bottleneck for multitrack sound 
:>>:>editing, particularly where many tracks are involved and short 

    John, I've done this stuff.  It isn't a big deal.  You don't appreciate
    the capabilities of modern platforms.  You don't NEED a realtime
    guarentee from the disk for audio.  All you need is a sufficiently 
    sized FIFO (which you make out of main memory).. say around a megabyte.  
    There is no latency issue unless real-time interactive changes in the 
    audio stream are required (where real-time in this case means: "on the 
    order of miliseconds").

    All of the audio DMA synchronization is then done with a realtime process
    working out of the memory buffer.  If you are pushing midi, its even

    You don't need striping, you don't need (nor can you get) disk guarentees,
    not unless you turn off the thermal recal (which some people do) and
    also turn off bad-sector remapping (which most people forget to do),
    and certainly not if the system is paging turned on.  Oh, I forgot..
    are you going to sync to the spindle too?

    As far as 'realtime interactive multimedia' goes... I was talking about
    multi-track mixing, not audio web serving.  Audio web serving is even
    EASIER to accomplish.

    Now, if you want to give me an EXAMPLE of the audio situation you are
    refering to that requires a predictable disk latency, I am all ears.
