*BSD News Article 91683

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From: Philipp Mergenthaler <p@hadii609.hadiko.uni-karlsruhe.de>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: 2.2-RELEASE IDE CD-ROM problem
Date: 20 Mar 1997 23:22:22 GMT
Organization: University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Lines: 24
Message-ID: <5gsgre$rbe$1@nz12.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de>
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Aleksander Wittlin <wittlin@sci.kun.nl> wrote:
>     Does wcd/atapi CD-ROM works for somebody with 2.2-RELEASE?
>     regards
>     Aleksander

 Hi Aleksander,

the manpage for workman says:
 workman - play audio compact discs on a SCSI CD player
no wonder it doesn't work with an atapi drive.

I have a Mitsumi FX400, a 2-year-old IDE CD-ROM, my sytem is 2.2-970225-GAMMA.
The kernel has the options ATAPI and ATAPI_STATIC.
xcdplayer -device /dev/wcd0c works, but not perfect (no volume control).
I couldn't try xcd, since I don't have Tcl/Tk installed (yet :-) ).

The program that works best is /usr/sbin/cdcontrol (yep, it's no extra port).
It's a textmode program though :P . Call it with "cdcontrol -f /dev/wcd0".
Does this program work on your system?
What are the permissions for /dev/wcd* ? For testing purposes you
could set them to 666.

Bye, Philipp