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From: rich@Rice.edu (& Murphey)
Subject: Re: [XFree86 386BSD] can't xinit (help!)
In-Reply-To: rimkus@netcom.com's message of Fri, 18 Dec 1992 10:33:52 GMT
Message-ID: <RICH.92Dec18122434@superego.Rice.edu>
Sender: news@rice.edu (News)
Reply-To: Rich@rice.edu
Organization: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Rice
References: <1992Dec18.103352.20052@netcom.com>
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1992 18:24:34 GMT
Lines: 52

>>>>> In article <1992Dec18.103352.20052@netcom.com>, rimkus@netcom.com (Mike Rimkus) writes:

Mike> When I run xinit, as root, I get two lines of version info then:
Mike> -----------------
Mike> Configured drivers:
Mike>   VGA256 (256 colour SVGA):
Mike>     et4000, et3000, pvga1, gvga, ati, tvga8900
Mike> XIO:  fatal IO error 32 (Broken pipe) on X server ":0.0"
Mike> -----------------
Mike> etc. The server doesn't give me a clue as to why it's failing. I'm fairly new
Mike> to X, so it may be something obvious.

  First, redirect the error messages to a file:
  	xinit >& xinit.out
  because otherwise those messages which are printed while the console
  is in graphics mode are lost.  You get more information this way.

Mike> The XFree86 docs make much fuss about getting proper Xconfig values, else
Mike> X won't work. I had placed a ModeDB line in Xconfig (Is there Xconfig
Mike> documentation, BTW?) that I got as output from "xclk -h 45 704". (My ATI Ultra
Mike> board has 45 & 33MHz crystals. My Gateway CrystalScan 1024NI accepts 48KHz
Mike> horzontal.) clock.exe from the Linux distribution didn't give me clock rates,
Mike> it just hung my machine. Do I need the clock.exe output to create some "Clocks"
Mike> line in the vga256 section of Xconfig?

  First, don't use the obsolete clock.exe program because it will
  not work for many vga cards that XFree86 supports.  The XFree86 1.1 X
  server has improved clock detection built in.  Let it detect the dot
  clocks and save them in a file:
  xinit >& xinit.out
  If your card is supported, it will report your chipset (et4000 in this
  example) as well as the video memory size and number of clocks:
      VGA256: et4000 (mem: 1024k numclocks: 16)
  It will then report the values of all the dot clocks it can measure:
      VGA256:   clocks: 25 28 33 37 40 45 80 65 13 15 17 19 20 23  0  0
  It is recommended that once you find these values you put them back in
  your Xconfig.  The server will start up slightly faster if you do.
  For example: 
      Chipset "et4000"
      Videoram 1024
      clocks 25 28 33 37 40 45 80 65 13 15 17 19 20 23  0  0