*BSD News Article 90494

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From: "brian wehrle" <brianw@aa.net>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Anyone know where i can get the "libc.so.3.0" library?
Date: 2 Mar 1997 10:55:56 GMT
Organization: Alternate Access Incorporated
Lines: 19
Message-ID: <01bc2694$cd8e4680$205a7dce@bw.aa.net>
References: <33181DBA.5D25@protec.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: cust32.max3.seattle.aa.net
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Internet News 4.70.1155
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:36661

Try to find any libc.* in /usr/lib then make a symbolic link between this
file and the symbolic one
that will point to the current libc that you have.  I think that all thing
use some libc, it would be
hard not to have one...maybe thats incorrect ?


Rob Voss <kaosman@protec.net> wrote in article
>  Almost every installed package/port i have keeps telling me it can't
> find the libc.so.3.0 library... If it is so widely needed shouldn't be
> easy to find?  I've looked all over my FreeBSD CD and at all the package
> descriptions.. But I can't find it. Please help me..
> -Rob Voss
> ---Thanks in advance