*BSD News Article 89893

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From: schlegel@crocker.com (Mark Schlegel)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: simple question about tar
Date: 20 Feb 1997 17:23:05 GMT
Organization: Crocker Communications (413) 585-5164
Lines: 29
Message-ID: <5ei19p$2jc$1@news.crocker.com>
References: <330BCCCA.2A16@gol.com>
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Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:35934

Bill Wilson (atijapan@gol.com) wrote:
: Hello.
: I have an exteamly simple question about taring files on freeBSD. How
: can I tar everything within a directory, including files subdirectories,
: files within subdirectories, etc. 
: With bsdi it's simply tar -cvf /public_html, but I am getting "can't
: open directory" errors with the same command in freebsd.
: Thanks, and appologies for the level of this question.
: Bill Wilson

no problem Bill, what I think is happening is that in some
unix's what you have means, "tar the directory public_html
that's in the root directory" and since I"m pretty sure
your public_html is not in the root, your problem is the "/"

ie, the "/" should only lead the directory name in the single
case of the root directory, in all others just say:

tar -cvf public_html      is what you really want


ps. note I'm assuming the directory that you want to get that
'contains' everything you want to tar is public_html