*BSD News Article 89630

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From: conrads@neosoft.com (Conrad Sabatier)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: xcdplayer for ATAPI Drve??
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 1997 06:33:14 -0600
Organization: NeoSoft, Inc.
Lines: 27
Message-ID: <auree5.8j.ln@dolphin.neosoft.com>
References: <5eacso$auo@walt.ee.pdx.edu>
    <hgace5.ir1.ln@dolphin.neosoft.com> <5ect38$c1i@walt.ee.pdx.edu>
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Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:35750

In article <5ect38$c1i@walt.ee.pdx.edu>,
	daver@sirius.cs.pdx.edu (Dave Roethig) writes:
> I installed the patch and re-built the kernel and xcdplayer 
> seems to work well!
> One problem is still there:  there is a regular hiss when a CD
> is played.  It sounds like a record player playing a record
> with a small scratch.
> I think the CD drive is a Toshiba.
> Is the CD drive not being sampled fast enough?

Is the noise present all the time, or only when a CD is being played?

My cheapo soundcard is rather "hissy" as well, unless I lower the master
volume and kick up the CD volume (using Xmix).

You may want to try this and see what sort of results you get.  May be
that one of the other audio inputs (microphone, line in) is set too
high and is what's generating the noise.

Conrad Sabatier		http://www.neosoft.com/~conrads