*BSD News Article 89517

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From: k@123.org (Kai Voigt)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: shells
Date: 14 Feb 1997 07:48:29 +0100
Organization: 123.org - Die kleinste Domain der Welt
Lines: 29
Sender: k@abc.123.org
Message-ID: <5e11rt$ff@abc.123.org>
References: <5dum9s$e1o@newsgate.duke.edu>
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Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:35699

cgl@acpub.duke.edu (Cameron Lampley) writes:

>Why in God's name are there no decent shells included in the 
>standard FreeBSD distribution.  What idiot would use csh or sh.
>Everybody knows it all bash and tcsh these days.  Of course 
>getting the port is simple enough, but even that is very painful 
>with no command history and no filename completion.  Ha, csh
>what kind of shit is that.  Get with the program FreeBSD.

Run the rest of this article as a script:


echo "I should be polite when asking for help."
cd /usr/ports/shells/bash
echo "I'm an idiot myself."
make install
echo "I should read the FAQ before posting."
cd /usr/ports/shells/tcsh
echo "I'm a nasty boy."
make install
echo "I promise to behave well in future."

Kai Voigt, Gerhardstraße 97, D-24105 Kiel, +49 431 82678
"Ich bin verliebt in eine Metzgerin, obwohl ich Vegetarier bin.  Ich lieb Tiere,
Du schneidest sie in Scheiben, trotzdem kann ich Dich gut leiden."  --  I 2001