*BSD News Article 89445

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From: bertram@gummo.bbb.sub.org (Bertram Barth)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: BSD for DEC MicroVax?
Date: 13 Feb 1997 09:35:15 +0100
Organization: private site in Bruchsal, Germany
Lines: 35
Message-ID: <5dujo3$6hp@gummo.bbb.sub.org>
References: <33001a26.96665908@> <32FFBDED.24E9@onramp.net> <3300d2ba.102411249@news.boeing.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: gummo.bbb.sub.org
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:35645

In article <3300d2ba.102411249@news.boeing.com>,
Bruce Lane <bruce.lane@SPAMBLOCK.pss.boeing.com> wrote:
>On Mon, 10 Feb 1997 18:31:41 -0600, Dave Littell <dlittell@onramp.net>
>>>         Is there, perchance, a version of BSD for the DEC MicroVAX II,
>>> VAXStation II/GPX, or VAXStation 3100?
>>> [deletia]
>>Wasn't DEC's Ultrix product a port of (4.3?) BSD?  Or are you looking
>>for the ever-important "low cost" (in the dollar sense)?

I think Ultrix was a port of 4.2BSD (or even 4.1BSD), at least for 
DECstations. For VAXen there was also 4.3BSD Reno from UCB.

>	I have no idea. In any case, you're correct; cost is
>definitely a factor here. No way I can afford (or justify) DEC's
>outrageous prices.

NetBSD/vax supports MicroVAX II, but not the GPX-option in VAXStation II/GPX,
so you'll need an additional console terminal to make the VAXStation II/GPX
run NetBSD/vax.

VAXstation 3100 is quite different from VAXStation II/GPX (no Q-Bus, etc.)
and more similiar to VAXstation 2000. NetBSD/vax does not yet support
any of the different models of VAXstation 3100. But support for VS2000
is almost there. Once VS2000 is supported, VS3100 might be the next target.


home: bertram@gummo.bbb.sub.org       work: bertram@ifib.uni-karlsruhe.de
- Never ascribe to malice what can be adequately described by stupidity -