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From: Tim O'Neil <toneil@visigenic.com>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: MS SQL Server access from FreeBSD?
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 1997 12:27:42 +0000
Organization: Visigenic Software, Inc.
Lines: 28
Message-ID: <330308BE.5866@visigenic.com>
References: <5dggtd$dpi$1@Venus.mcs.net> <5dvgf9$h1t$1@news.ziplink.net>
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Mikhail Teterin wrote:
> Honorable Font
>       wrote on 08 Feb (in article <5dggtd$dpi$1@venus.mcs.net>):
> =Now, what I'd like to do is access the databases from a FreeBSD box,
> =presumably using ODBC via TCP/IP.  This will help me continue to use
> =Apache as a web server and have a nice database back end.
> I'd say you do not need NT's SQL at all. There are a few very nice
> SQL-engines for FreeBSD itself (look at /usr/ports/databases) with
> API for many languages (C, TCL, Perl, others).
> Remember, that all Microsoft beasts only work well on demos and
> samples...
> BTW, does anyone know if MSQL or Postgres95 have ODBC support?

Yes, mSQL does. But I only have first hand knowlege of the 32 bit
windows driver. This particular driver needs a lot of work.
Love the dbms though. I don't know ports of the driver. As for
MS SQL Server, lemme add my two cents. I use MS SQL Server
6.0 and 6.5 regularly (I'm an odbc driver support engineer).
Frankly, MS SQL Server (6.5 especially) is a fine product.
We make an odbc driver for it for solaris. I'd normally prefer
my back end on a unix box, but SQL Server has a lot of nice
features and is consistantly faster accross the wire than some
of the others we deal with.