*BSD News Article 89175

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From: sbirn@netmedia.net.il (Steve Birnbaum)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: schedule/todo program
Date: 10 Feb 1997 18:11:24 GMT
Organization: NetMedia
Lines: 15
Message-ID: <slrn5fup5t.3hg.sbirn@softworx.netmedia.net.il>
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A while ago I worked at a company that had a rather nice program
called synchronize that handled multi-user scheduling, todo, etc.  I'm
assuming that was commercial, but is there a freeware program of similar
function around somewhere.

It's annoying having to turn to this stupid M$ box off in the
corner of my desk each time for it.


Steve Birnbaum - System Administrator, NetMedia. Jerusalem, Israel.
sbirn@netmedia.net.il  Phone: +972-2-6795860   --Standard Disclaimer--
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