*BSD News Article 89133

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From: root@nexus-is.qc.ca (Francois)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: IP aliasing and 2-2 Gamma
Date: 12 Feb 1997 14:30:40 GMT
Organization: Communications Accessibles Montreal, Quebec Canada
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Message-ID: <5dsk6g$il@tandem.CAM.ORG>
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Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:35461

I there all FreeBSD users and admins,

I have a really weird story to bring to the group...

I am running an ISP host on FreeBSD and was running with 12 virtual hosts aliased to ep0 through the standard ifconfig command in rc.local.

I upgraded to 2-2gamma last saturday because of the serious security bug found 
in the previous releases.  All went fine except that on boot, routed started 
acting funny, giving errors concerning the aliases to my ethernet interface.
I was literally dead in the water for 4 hours with only my main network
services up and no client sites available (I also provide the ftp and dns for
the 12 virtual hosts).

It took 4 hours to figure out that under the new version, I could not run 
routed (which used to work perfectly well with the same configs under 2.1.6)

Anyone have a similar experience ?

Francois Machabee
Nexus Information Systems