*BSD News Article 88870

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From: Steve Wilson <swilson@greenville.edu>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: XF86_Mach64 Problem
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 1997 21:52:53 -0600
Organization: a Digital Internet AlphaServer Site
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I'm trying to setup my X Windows with a ATI Pro Turbo PCI (mach64)
graphics card, and a ViewSonic 14ES monitor. I've followed the
directions in the README files as best I could, but, when I run xinit,
or startx I get a message saying none of the specified devices were
found, and that no screens were found.
If you could help me, please send me mail at swilson@greenville.edu.
Thanks in advance.

Steve Wilson

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<DT>I'm trying to setup my X Windows with a ATI Pro Turbo PCI (mach64)
graphics card, and a ViewSonic 14ES monitor. I've followed the directions
in the README files as best I could, but, when I run xinit, or startx I
get a message saying none of the specified devices were found, and that
no screens were found.</DT>

<DT>If you could help me, please send me mail at swilson@greenville.edu.
Thanks in advance.</DT>


<DT>Steve Wilson&nbsp;</DT>
