*BSD News Article 84984

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From: duane@amd40.wecs.org (Duane Eddingfield)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Virtual file systems for news on FreeBSD
Date: 15 Dec 1996 05:59:37 GMT
Organization: A FreeBSD box.
Lines: 22
Message-ID: <590449$9g@amd40.wecs.org>
References: <32B007C2.714C@unilog.se>
NNTP-Posting-Host: dial18.tvinet.com
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:32673

Björn Sjöholm (bear@unilog.se) wrote:
: Hello,

: I would like to use a FreeBSD as a news server and plan
: to attach _a lot_ of disk to it.

: I would like to have _one_ spool partition/file system for
: news with many disks in the same file system.
: Is this possible with FreeBSD now?
: or will there be support for this in the future?

   Just fire up ccd, man ccd(4) and ccdconfig(8) for a start.

   I am running 2.1.5R and INN-1.4sec from the ports on a 
Dec Prioris server with 4 3GB Quantum FireBalls configured as
ccd0e, mounted under /var/news. Works excellent!! fsck even
works :-)

Duane Eddingfield    My real e-mail address is: duane@tvinet.com

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