*BSD News Article 84786

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From: John Lucas <jlucas@jnet.vi>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc,comp.periphs.printers,comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.networking
Subject: Re: Print server hardware...
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 1996 12:58:58 -0400
Organization: University of the Virgin Islands
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Distribution: inet
Message-ID: <32B57FD2.41C67EA6@jnet.vi>
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tedm@agora.rdrop.com wrote:
> Win95 continues the limiting tradition of WFW, and there is a DLC protocol for
> it (unbelievably) which can NOT be used to print out of the box.  So far, there are
> no shareware LPR protocols for Win95 (although I REALLY wish someone would
> write one!)

While it is not "shareware", there is a commercial product that doesn't cost very much
that will add LPR/LPD capabilities to Win95 (and Win 3.1, two version in one package). It
is "NIPrint" by Network Instruments (http://www.nwinst.com/). Quantity one price is $29
and there is a full function demo available (only one per network). So you could  put the
LPR client on one machine and share the printer via SMB. Other LPR clients could either
send directly to an LPD print server or to the Win95 machine with NIPrint's LPD running.

I use NIPrint from my Win95 side of my workstation (normally I run FreeBSD) to print to
an Apple LaserWriter 1600/PS and it works like a champ. I have also used it to print via
the LPD running on FreeBSD, AIX and SunOS.

| John Lucas                          jlucas@jnet.vi                 |
| Information Technology              NIC Handle: JL423              |
| University of the Virgin Islands    (809) 693-1216                 |
| St. Thomas, VI 00802                http://www.jnet.vi/jlucas.html |