*BSD News Article 84591

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From: dsims@rosenet.net (Dave Sims)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.bsdi.misc
Subject: DF reporting incorrect stats
Date: 9 Dec 1996 18:03:06 GMT
Organization: Rosenet, Inc.
Lines: 30
Message-ID: <58hk8q$20b@lenny.rosenet.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: ii.rosenet.net
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=US-ASCII
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.99.7

I recently upgraded my news server to BSDI 2.1.  Along with the upgrade I 
added 4gigs of storage.  I now have two 4 gig drives.

My partitions and mount points are as follows

Filesystem  1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/sd0a       49199     4757    41982    10%    /
/dev/sd0h      397183   134937   242386    36%    /usr
/dev/sd0g       98911    64768    29197    69%    /var
/dev/sd0f      198335   109726    78692    58%    /var/news
/dev/sd0e     2558100   778603  1651592    32%    /var/news/spool
/dev/sd1a     3935818  2145877  1593150    57%    /var/news/spool/alt
mfs:21          15871        1    15076     0%    /tmp

The problem is that the /var/news partition appears to fill up.  But in it 
really doesn't.  During the day the the Capacity reduces because of history 
files, etc getting larger.  Eventually the partition reaches 100%.  When I 
execute du to see what is filling up the partition, as the news files aren't 
close in size to causing it to be full, it returns the actual (or what I 
believe to be actual) disk usage.  DU says that the partition is not full!

The only solution to this is to reboot!  When I reboot the partion capacity 
drops to about 58%.  What could be causing the incorrect disk useage reported 
by DF.

INN seems to be working ok except for this annoying problem.

Any help would make for a joyous season.