*BSD News Article 84560

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From: Bruno Morvan <bmorvan@hepta.fr>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Need advices for SCSI DAT installation
Date: Mon, 09 Dec 1996 15:40:45 +0100
Organization: HEPTA
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I plan to install an external DAT tape drive without rebooting a 2.1.0
freeBSD server. I'm a novice on freeBSD and I've got 3 questions:

1. How could i know the IDs of installed SCSI devices without stopping
the system (to assign an unique ID for the external DAT)?

2. Can i plug the external SCSI drive while the system is running,
whitout any kind of damages? (i've already do it on some RS/6000s...it's

3. Is there any software configuration command to apply? (do the SCSI
detection and probing are automatically done by the system after the
peripheral is added?)

the hardware is a Pentium, with BusLogic Bt946c SCSI controller and 2
SCSI hard drives. the DAT drives are an 4mm ARCHIVE Python 28388-XXX5.45
and a 8mm5gb IBM-8505 (Exabyte OEM).

thanks in advance

Bruno Morvan