*BSD News Article 84265

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From: stanb@netcom.com (Stan Brown)
Subject: Re: Synchronizing my FreeBSD machine to clock servers.
Message-ID: <stanbE1xwz8.8vD@netcom.com>
Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest)
X-Newsreader: NN version 6.5.0 #3 (NOV)
References: <stanbE1tEtC.1EE@netcom.com> <582jll$3ov@anorak.coverform.lan>
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 1996 12:21:07 GMT
Lines: 30
Sender: stanb@netcom4.netcom.com

brian@anorak.coverform.lan (Brian Somers) writes:

>In article <stanbE1tEtC.1EE@netcom.com>,
>	stanb@netcom.com (Stan Brown) writes:
>: 	How is the best way to do this?
>: 	In Debain Linux there is a utilty /usr/sbin/netdate. I takes one or
>: 	more servers as arguments, determines what the "Best" time is and sets
>: 	the system kernel time.
>: 	If there is sonething like this already done, I would like to know
>: 	about it. If not I will take a crak at poritng this to FreeBSD.
>: 	As always, if there is a betterway to do this I would like to here aout
>: 	it.

>You could try ntpdate - it queries one or more xntpd servers (taking their
>names as arguments) or you could try timed (a lot easier to configure
>if you just want to sync several of your own machines).  Both have man
>pages and can be started via variables in /etc/sysconfig.

	I wound up using tpdate, by puting it in mny crotab entries. I am
	told t automaticly updates the CMOS clock.

	Worsk great.
Stan Brown     stanb@netcom.com                                    404-996-6955
Factory Automation Systems
Atlanta Ga.
Look, look, see Windows 95.  Buy, lemmings, buy!   
Pay no attention to that cliff ahead...            Henry Spencer
(c) 1996 Stan Brown.  Redistribution via the Microsoft Network is prohibited.