*BSD News Article 84262

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From: philips@asiatech.co.za (philip Shearer)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.solaris,comp.unix.bsd.misc,comp.unix.internals
Subject: Re: Solaris 2.6
Followup-To: comp.unix.solaris,comp.unix.bsd.misc,comp.unix.internals
Date: 5 Dec 1996 10:57:38 GMT
Organization: Asia Technology Inc
Lines: 31
Distribution: inet
Message-ID: <5869r2$175$1@asgard.sprintlink.co.za>
References: <32986299.AC7@mail.esrin.esa.it> <casper.329abb76@mail.fwi.uva.nl>  <57ej3a$7ij@panix2.panix.com> <casper.329ae8f2@mail.fwi.uva.nl>  <57fipg$q7j@panix2.panix.com> <casper.329c06bc@mail.fwi.uva.nl>  <57ik5l$12i$1@shade.twinsun.com> <x7917mx5gx.fsf@dumbcat.codewright.com> <casper.329d5a07@mail.fwi.uva.nl>
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Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.solaris:91407 comp.unix.bsd.misc:1676 comp.unix.internals:11451

Casper H.S. Dik (casper@fwi.uva.nl) wrote:
: Marco S Hyman <marc@dumbcat.codewright.com> writes:
: >Stage 1:
: >Keep long 32 bits but now with 64 bit pointers so you can catch every
: >program that assumes a pointer can be stored in a long or int.

I don't see why anyone needs to store pointers as ints or longs
store the them as pointers.

: I don't think so.  Since all 64 bit offerings to date have made
: the right choice (commonly referred to as LP64) where longs and pointers
: are 64 bits but integer stay at 32 bits, most of the 64 bit porting
: [ for applications that need it ] has been done.
: >Stage 2 (not to be started until the world's C software has been fixed
: >	 regarding pointers and longs):
: >Change longs to 64 bits so we can start over again, this time finding
: >every line of code that assumes an IP address fits in a long or int.
: I think most people will go directly to stage 2.

I have been writing code for  Stock Exchange systems which compiles and
runs on both Solaris and Digital UNIX for a number of years. The only
place where I was burnt (due to longs and ints) was on the return
from inet_addr(). This function should return an abstract type (with
the correct definition for an error)!

Regards Philip Shearer