*BSD News Article 84259

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From: yichen@hermes.cs.uh.edu ( Yi Chen )
Newsgroups: comp.unix.admin,comp.unix.bsd.misc
Subject: adduser
Date: 3 Dec 1996 21:08:31 GMT
Organization: University of Houston
Lines: 36
Message-ID: <5824sf$a6v@Masala.CC.UH.EDU>
NNTP-Posting-Host: hermes.cs.uh.edu
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.admin:51352 comp.unix.bsd.misc:1674

1) Since adduser in BSDI is perl script, 
   After saving the original script, following are my actions  
   a) #!/usr/bin/perl was replaced by #!/usr/bin/suidperl in the script
   b) chown to root
   c) after typing Login name and hit return, I got following

Login name: xxxxx

Adding user: xxxxx

For security purposes, no characters are printed when entering passwords.

Insecure PATH at /etc/adm/lib/util.pl line 228, <STDIN> line 2.

   e) I also wrote a simple C program as following, compiled it and suid to
      root, and same error msg as c).
int argc;
char **argv;

2) I also tried sudo and visudo the /etc/sudoers. RUN 
   /usr/local/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/adduser, got following

setuid(0): Operation not permitted

Please send your responses to yichen@cs.uh.edu 


Yi Chen