*BSD News Article 84173

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From: robert@nanguo.chalmers.com.au (Robert Chalmers)
Subject: Malloc warning: free(): 
Organization: China House.
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 1996 12:02:01 GMT
Message-ID: <E1w1FD.JoC.G.nanguo@nanguo.chalmers.com.au>
Summary: Malloc warning
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
Keywords: Malloc
Lines: 19

Malloc warning: free(): page already free.

Reported this message previously. Just following up.
I upgraded to the next 2.2 SNAP (Oct 96), but the warning still
show up int the httpd-error.log file when the web pages
'index.html' files are accessed. Possibly others, but I havent
had time yet to do a search and try.

It happens with Apache, Zeus and NCSA servers.

Apparently its something to do with the fake malloc lib? but I'm
not sure about that. (hearsay)

The China House.
Advertise, or there's a good chance the sheriff will do it for you. P.T Barnum.
robert@chalmers.com.au for Whirled Peas		http://www.chalmers.com.au
Location: Whitsunday Web Works.			21'7" S, 149'14" E.