*BSD News Article 84046

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From: tlw@teleport.com (Tommy Willoughby)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: What kind of mouse is Microsoft mouse on Gateway-2000 ?
Date: 28 Nov 1996 18:05:48 GMT
Organization: Teleport - Portland's Public Access (503) 220-1016
Lines: 13
Message-ID: <57kk9s$86e@nadine.teleport.com>
References: <23908c4d.u8t20e.69cbe@slip106.termserv.siu.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: kelly.teleport.com
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Jim Dutton (jimd@slip106.termserv.siu.edu) wrote:
: I have a GW-2000 machine with FreeBSD on it, and a true, "green",
: Microsoft mouse that plugs into the GW-2000 "mouse port". It doesn't appear
: to be /dev/mse0, nor /dev/tty00, nor /dev/sysmouse, nor /dev/mouse.

: When I bring up XFree86-3.2, I have no mouse capabilities, and have tried a
: couple of different XFree86-3.2 mouse (protocol) configurations.

That's a PS/2 mouse & it's device psm0. I think you'll have to re-build
the kernel to enable it.
