*BSD News Article 83998

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From: peter@nmti.com (Peter da Silva)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.solaris,comp.unix.bsd.misc
Subject: Re: Solaris 2.6
Date: 1 Dec 1996 17:57:44 GMT
Organization: Network/development platform support, NMTI
Lines: 15
Distribution: inet
Message-ID: <57sguo$n9o@web.nmti.com>
References: <32986299.AC7@mail.esrin.esa.it> <casper.329abb76@mail.fwi.uva.nl> <57ej3a$7ij@panix2.panix.com> <casper.329ae8f2@mail.fwi.uva.nl>
NNTP-Posting-Host: sonic.nmti.com
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.solaris:91022 comp.unix.bsd.misc:1639

In article <casper.329ae8f2@mail.fwi.uva.nl>,
Casper H.S. Dik <casper@fwi.uva.nl> wrote:
> No, but code that uses "long" to calculate with off_t's will need to
> be fixed; it won't compile or just gives a warning and an erronous
> computation.

So make long 64 bits wide. You're going to have to do it soon when you
go to 64 bit pointers anyway, so why not jump the gun?

(and yes, long should have been 64 bits on the original VAX UNIX, and having
long 64 bits and char * 32 bit doesn't violate any standards, and portable
code has to assume that long might be longer than char * anyway...)
