*BSD News Article 83884

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From: "John S. Dyson" <dyson@freebsd.org>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Serious brain damage in /bin/sh for FreeBSD 2.1.5
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 1996 02:54:45 -0500
Organization: John S. Dyson's home machine
Lines: 27
Message-ID: <329E96C5.41C67EA6@freebsd.org>
References: <stanbE1M2D2.38I@netcom.com>
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To: Stan Brown <stanb@netcom.com>
CC: dyson@freebsd.org

Stan Brown wrote:
>         I realize all Berkley centric people think the workd revolves around
> csh, but the rest of us don't.
Well, I do as much BSD development as almost anyone...  I hate csh. :-).

>         Seriously, whats the rationale behind this half hearted atempt at
> making /bin/sh look like ksh ?
FreeBSD /bin/sh is actually kind-of close to Bourne shell with a few
like command editing.  Using the Bourne shell is quite painful after
ksh and bash...  (Yeah, I know that bash doesn't do everything that ksh

>         Is there some way that I can fix this ?
You might try to make ksh /bin/sh.  It might work.
If you are patient, I can check it out in a few days to see if it
works (on 2.2.)
