*BSD News Article 83796

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From: stanb@netcom.com (Stan Brown)
Subject: Re: Where is sum in FreeBSD
Message-ID: <stanbE1LsAw.Fpq@netcom.com>
Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest)
X-Newsreader: NN version 6.5.0 #3 (NOV)
References: <stanbE1Lq2B.CBC@netcom.com>
Date: Thu, 28 Nov 1996 23:08:56 GMT
Lines: 37
Sender: stanb@netcom23.netcom.com

stanb@netcom.com (Stan Brown) writes:

>	Argh, I am trying to port some user environment setup scripts to my
>FreeBSD machine. I can't find sum. Is it not provided with FreeBSD?

>	Here is the section from an HP man page describing it's standards
>	status:

>	  sum: SVID2, XPG2, XPG3

	Never mind! I should learn to read *all* the man page :-(

		sum is obsolescent and should not be used in new applications that
			  intended to be portable between systems.  Use cksum instead
			  (see cksum(1)).

>Stan Brown     stanb@netcom.com                                    404-996-6955
>Factory Automation Systems
>Atlanta Ga.
>Look, look, see Windows 95.  Buy, lemmings, buy!   
>Pay no attention to that cliff ahead...            Henry Spencer
>(c) 1996 Stan Brown.  Redistribution via the Microsoft Network is prohibited.
Stan Brown     stanb@netcom.com                                    404-996-6955
Factory Automation Systems
Atlanta Ga.
Look, look, see Windows 95.  Buy, lemmings, buy!   
Pay no attention to that cliff ahead...            Henry Spencer
(c) 1996 Stan Brown.  Redistribution via the Microsoft Network is prohibited.