*BSD News Article 83750

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From: Anthony Jenkins <ajenkins@auburn.campus.mci.net>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Reading FreeBSD partition from DOS/Win.
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 1996 15:04:16 -0600
Organization: CampusMCI
Lines: 37
Message-ID: <329CACD0.57FE@auburn.campus.mci.net>
References: <329AABFC.192@auburn.campus.mci.net> <57hj7g$2pj@anorak.utell.net>
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Brian Somers wrote:
> In article <329AABFC.192@auburn.campus.mci.net>,
>         Anthony Jenkins <ajenkins@auburn.campus.mci.net> writes:
> : This project came to me because when first using FBSD my only access to
> : the internet was from my Win95 half.  I'd try to describe problems with
> : my BSD half without access to any of the files on that system.  I also
> : wasn't able to tell if I'd already FTP'd a package/port for FBSD when
> : getting new stuff via Windows.  Conversely, I could easily read my MSDOS
> : files from FBSD.  For those of us gradually weaning ourselves from
> : Windows I think this could be a useful set of tools (kinda like
> : mtools(1)).  Thanks in advance for any help!
> IMO, you're tackling things from the wrong side.  Win95 (and most M$
> products) are terrible at providing server-type support.  When you
> connect to the net from a Win95 machine, that's the only thing allowed
> access !
> In my setup, I've got a back-end FreeBSD box and a front-end Win95 box
> (and sometimes a laptop) connected to my network.  The modem is connect
> to the FreeBSD box.  The freebsd box provides transparent 'net access to
> the Win95 box so that the win95 box can use any 'net tools it wants although
> nobody can connect to it from the outside (except ftp-data connections
> and the like). 

You're right, in that accessing FreeBSD filesystem resources from
another OS would be a lot easier if they were located in a separate box,
but I think there's a need for those of us who have just one box w/
dual- or multi-OSs and just want to access data from one OS via
another.  Whether such a project is putting the cart before the horse (I
can't think of the right cliche) or not, I've seen several posts here
from people running multi-OSs because they already have MS-Win & want
the UNIX they love without having to buy another machine.  But as far as
I know, there's currently no implementation whatsoever to tell anything
about a FreeBSD partition filesystem from another OS on another
partition.  'course, like the time I invested in ValueJet stocks, I
could be wrong ;)